Wednesday, November 10, 2010

My Favorite Green Smoothie

When we were on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (and didn't know that Haiden was sensitive to almonds), I spent a lot of time at Georgetown Market buying almonds and cashews in bulk. I feel in love with this store because they have a juice bar. My favorite drink from there is called Tine Dream. Since I am unable to make the trip as much I decided to try my own version of the Tine Dream. I was pretty darn proud when it tasted just like the one they make at Georgetown! What I love most about this drink is that the kids even like it, especially my anti-anything-green guy...Mason. Put organic spinach, organic bananas, frozen peaches in a food processor or blender and start blending. Add coconut milk kefir (loaded with probiotics) and apple juice. Enjoy!
So, so yummy!!!! If you decide to try this please let me know what you think.

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