Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Preventing ADHD, Sensory Integration Disorder, and Autism

The following post is my opinion.

Most expecting or new parents only want the best for their child.  As a parent we experience all kinds of worries and fears.  When I was pregnant with Haiden I always had an overwhelming fear about autism.  At the time I was student teaching and working with some autistic children so I just thought that was why I worried all the time.  I thought I read all the books, I thought I did all the research, I talked to my OB, I talked to Haiden's pediatrician.  I thought I was doing everything I could to have a healthy baby.  Little did I know, I didn't have a clue. 
I know so much more now but i wish I knew then what I know now.  I came across this great website called the Autism Research Institute.  They believe that autism is preventable and that autism is treatable.  I believe that too because my family has experienced it.  Here is a great link to all the ways you can prevent autism in your child, http://www.autism.com/fam_preventing_autism_now.asp.  A lot of it is controversial but after living it, I know that it works.  I didn't do any of these things with Haiden and he had autism.  I did a few of these things with Ella and she would most likely get an ADHD diagnoses if we weren't doing the Brain Balance program (http://www.chironeuroindy.com/).  I did almost all of these things with Mason and he is a "typically" developing child. 
If you are pregnant or the mother of a young child, please, please, please read this article.  It could change your life and your child's life.  Some of it may sound extreme but, after recovering a child from autism, I can tell you it isn't nearly as extreme as what you will have to go through if you have a child with ADHD, Sensory Integrations Disorder, or autism.
Please know I post this information because I care.  I know the devastation, the heartache, the stress, the anger, the guilt, and the helpless that comes from not educating myself.

1 comment:

  1. Great article! Glad to read that I had done a lot of these things on this list without realizing it. It can be really frustrating to get so much resistance from other people who just think I'm being nuerotic because I insist on bringing my son his own organic milk to daycare or prefer that he not have junk food period, let alone think oreos are an acceptable snack for a 1 yr old at 9 in the morning. I won't even mention the comments I get for not vaccinating. I appreciate all the good info you give, helps continue to assure me that I'm doing the right thing.
