Monday, April 27, 2009

Life Changing

When Haiden was 23 months of age Brian proposed to me. It was a day I will never forget, it was perfect! About a month later Haiden and I moved to Indy with Brian and I accepted a teaching position in Zionsville. At the time I didn't realize that this move would change Haiden's life forever. The move was a huge change for me and I missed my mom like crazy, but I was so excited to finally be up here with Brian. Brian has always had a special connection with Haiden. He always understood him and became his dad without any hesitation. He also stopped me from enabling him so much. I found a new pediatrician and she sent us to an ENT, two weeks later Haiden had tubes in his ears. Our ENT told us that he probably wasn't talking clearly because he hasn't ever had normal hearing. He said within 6 weeks we should notice a change. Haiden also started going to a daycare and was in a very structured class with other kids his age. We did start to see a change. Haiden started to talk more and his cold that he had for the past year was gone. Things were looking more positive for Haiden but that was all about to change.

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