Haiden had his best week yet at school! He did great in the general education Kindergarten class, had no problems with the boys on the playground, and used his words instead of tears! I think he is holding it together all day at school and falling apart at home. I guess using the term "falling apart" is a little drastic but we have noticed some regression at home. I continue to worry about his memory, receptive language, and attention skills but they have seemed to be declining even more the past week. I emailed his teacher to see if he is getting any foods or candy that he shouldn't and I stopped the B12 shots. I have also stopped his Nystatin (antifungal), B6, and magnesium. I just want to step back and evaluate what could be going on.
Ella continues to be a little diva! She is doing well with her speech and said "up" instead of "pu" for the first time. She also counted to 3 this week and sang her ABC's but you can't understand the letters :). Everyday she tests me to see if I'm going to be consistent. I've never struggled so much to be consistent before but I keep telling myself, "better to do it now."
Little Mason, oh he melts my heart! He wakes up every morning smiling and happy. He is starting to roll his body side to side and loves to coo!
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