Sunday, January 10, 2010


We are now through Week 2 of the SCD and it continues to be a learning experience. Haiden is doing AWESOME on the diet. He seems more focused and has been wanting to be more involved in things around the house. Ella, on the other hand, continues to be a puzzle I try to put together everyday. Last week I thought I had finally found her sensitivity but now I'm not so sure. I thought maybe she was sensitive to phenols. Some people can't process phenols correctly and can have bloated bellies, dark circles under the eyes, and behavior problems. High phenol foods are bananas, apples, and red grapes...some of Ella's favorite foods. I've removed these from her diet and thought it made a difference for a few days but it hasn't been consistent. Her belly has gone down but it is still slightly bloated. She has also been battling diarrhea for the past 3 days. We may have introduced nuts too soon and that could be causing her some problems. Like I said, I rack my brain everyday trying to figure out her unexplained meltdowns, dark circles under her eyes, and bloated belly. Any thoughts or ideas from autism mommies would be greatly appreciated!
With the SCD, I spend a lot of time in the kitchen and wanted to share a few recipes.

Some homemade organic almond flour chicken nuggets, homemade ketchup, and green beans

Organic chicken with sauteed spinach, fresh garlic, fresh lemon juice, sauteed tomatoes, basil, and oregano

Organic dried apples! Cut and squeeze with fresh lemons, sprinkle with cinnamon. Cook in the oven on 170 degrees for 8 hours. I'm going to try strawberries this week!

Organic pork loin with roasted tomatoes, red onion, cilantro, and fresh garlic plus sauteed asparagus!Fruit leather aka fruit roll up. I put strawberries, blueberries, spinach, and honey in the food processor. Then I pour it onto parchment paper that is on a cookie sheet. I cook it in the oven at 170 degrees for 4-5 hours! The kids love it!

Homemade fruit roll up!

1 comment:

  1. Okay, so jealous of all this food you have made...I cant wait to make some of these! But, I know I need to start out slow..
