A delicious new favorite snack...carrot chips! Slice the carrots and cook in canola oil, crunchy with a salty sweet taste...yummy!
Butternut squash chips, another new favorite snack. Just peel and thinly slice the neck of a butternut squash, toss in canola oil, lightly salt with kosher salt, bake until crispy!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
SCD Food
We have almost made it through Week 1 on SCD and only 51 more weeks to go...Holy Moly! It has been a very interesting and enlightening week for our entire family. I'm starting to see some positive things in both Haiden and Ella. Haiden wanted to play doctor with me today and he did an awesome job pretending. Yesterday he wanted to help me make nut butter brownies. Also the eczema on his head is almost gone! Ella is wearing "panties" and going on the big girl potty! I am amazed because just last week she didn't have any interest at all. Ella still has a runny nose and started coughing today. I'm not for sure if these are still die off symptoms or she is starting to get a cold. We have been eating a ton of fruit, veggies, and meats! I've posted some pictures of our delicious dinner we had tonight and other treats the kids are enjoying.
Organic fillet mignon with sauteed onions, green, yellow, orange,and red peppers!
The kids had organic fillet mignon with green beans, carrots, and broccoli. After they cleaned their plates, the kids enjoyed their new favorite dessert...almond nut butter brownies.
These are so easy to make! It consist of almond nut butter, honey, baking soda, and gelatin as an egg replacer.
Ella enjoying her nut butter brownies! Can't you hear her? She is saying "Cheessseee!"
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What a creative way to get your kids to eat veggies! My son LOVES carrots, so I bet those carrot chips would go over really well at my house. :-)
ReplyDeleteI am loving that you posted how to do some of this! I will definitely copy!